OONI Explorer - Card Sorting Exercise from Ura Design

Hello everyone :slight_smile:

we at Ura Design are doing a user research exercise about OONI Explorer.
OONI Explorer is an open data resource on internet censorship around the world. They have 2 billion network measurements that have been collected from more than 200 countries.

We are helping OONI Explorer to improve their website navigation and improve usability for researchers and journalists depending on OONI data.

If you are interested in internet censorship and measurements, please spend 5-10 minutes going through our card-sorting exercise. We will be donating 5€ per submission to the Cultivation Space (please mention Cultivation Space on the last page of the questionnaire). :seedling:

Here’s the link to access the exercise: Human Verification

Reach out to me for any questions you might have.
Thank you and have a nice week :slight_smile:

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